More powerful and 4K: Sony unveils the PlayStation 4 Pro !!!
More powerful and 4K: Sony unveils the PlayStation 4 Pro
Sony has finally unveiled its new PlayStation 4. More powerful, compatible with ultra high definition television (4K), the PlayStation 4 Pro will arrive in stores on 10 November for 399 euros. "A number of players wanted to further enhance their gaming experience. We offer them this opportunity with the PS4 Pro," said Andrew House, PlayStation boss at Sony, at a press conference in New York. During 45 minutes, the manufacturer explained the advantages of this console, capable of displaying graphics approaching photorealism and swarming details. YouTube and Netflix apps will also be updated to show videos in 4K. To take advantage of capabilities of the PS4 Pro, it will obviously have a compatible TV.
But that budget in tow another PS4 "classic" cheap will make its appearance on the 16th of September. An announcement was widely fanned end of August, with the leak on the Internet many pictures of this console and revised. Smaller, less expensive (299 euros) but no new features, the Slim PS4 will quickly replace the stores the classical model. Japan already, it was very hard in recent weeks to get the first name of the PS4, the production was stopped in the middle of summer.
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With these two new models, Sony intends to boost sales of its console, which has already reached 40 million sales in less than three years, far ahead of the competition. On one hand, the PS4 Slim is aimed at a wide audience, who wishes to enjoy the best games without too high initial investment. On the other, the Pro clearly target techies, already equipped with 4K TVs or about to be, and trying to have the best possible experience with the most licked graphics. If the PlayStation 4 games are compatible with all versions of the console, demonstrations broadcast Tuesday by Sony wanted eloquent on the technical leap made by the Pro. The Japanese company intends to sell an additional 20 million consoles by the end of March 2017.

Another important launch for Sony, but barely glimpsed the conference, the virtual reality headset PlayStation VR. Its release is scheduled for October 13 and costs 399 euros. This is for Sony its first immersion in this area. The PS proposes VR offers an intermediate between the high end and Oculus Rift HTC Vive, and the public Samsung Gear VR. Not surprisingly, the PlayStation VR is primarily based on the video game. Most of the biggest releases of the year end were also entitled to a "VR" mode, simple gadget more sophisticated experience.
The promotional campaign will begin in late September. In France, the brand will organize several events in Paris, Lyon, Lille and Bordeaux (reservation) to allow the general public to try his helmet. The application appears strong. In the US, the specialist retailer GameStop, the market leader, shows have sold his stock of pre helmets ... in five minutes.
PlayStation 4: which model for that?
Pro : Marketed on 10 November, the Neo demonstrate its potential on 4K TVs. The console, more powerful, allow the graphics display thinner and reduce time. These changes have a price: the console will be worth 399 euros.
Slim : Available from 16 September the Slim will replace the conventional model. Smaller, it will be marketed at a reasonable price (299 euros). A model for small budgets and not equipped with TVs in ultra high definition.
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