VLC: the multimedia player launches in 360 ° video

     VLC: the multimedia player launches in 360 ° video


" It was time ! Will say some. VLC, the player of VideoLAN, is one of the first popular multimedia players to offer a solution to watch the videos at 360 degrees, while this technology is already in the process of being democratized.

360 Video: VideoLAN unveils its Beta of VLC 3.0

VideoLAN will fill a large gap by launching VLC 3.0 in beta. The biggest multimedia player in the world already allows you to watch 360 ° videos, as you can see on the official website. Now, even without VR headphones, it will be possible to show videos to friends.

We owe this VLC 3.0 Beta to a collaboration with the French start-up Giroptic, a specialist in 360 ° imaging. It is also, if I am not mistaken, the company that created the 360 Cam, the first camera in the world capable of filming 360 ° in real time, two years ago.

One year late, but it's almost ready!

VideoLAN has accumulated much delay to propose its new multimedia player, due to many technical problems that made it lose a full year. But finally VLC 3.0 is ready and this is the most important. It is possible to download it if you have terminals running at least under Windows 7 or Mac OS X 10.10.

VideoLAN and Giroptic have announced that versions for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Linux and Xbox One are coming. The two companies also unveiled that early 2017, support for all large virtual reality headsets would be effective (Vive, Daydream, Oculus, OSVR, etc.), but also for 3D audio.

For those who simply want to see what it does, without downloading the VLC player, we can only recommend that you take a look at the VideoLan site because the company has made available two videos and a panoramic image, where it is Possible to move at will to 360 ° and in a very intuitive way.


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