Facebook will no longer empty your battery, really?
Facebook will no longer empty your battery, really?
This is news that will be welcomed by hundreds of millions of people frequently using Facebook on their mobile devices. Facebook corrected a bug on its application which led to overconsumption and emptied the battery early.
Facebook users on mobile have long been complaining about the voracious appetite for social networking in the energy field. Moreover, a study was recently published by TechWorldZone, where the conclusions are rather striking. By uninstalling Facebook and Messenger (Facebook messaging), smartphones earn on average 20% autonomy and as a bonus all other applications present on the terminal run 15% faster!
Fixed "client-server" queries corrected

We understand better why it is David Marcus, the boss of Messenger in person, who recognized the existence: "performance problems from our Android application for a few people". He revealed that a corrective had been developed to reduce this excessive consumption. The social network said it was now enough to close Facebook and Messenger through the task manager and restart them, to take advantage of this patch.
The problem seemed to come from the "client-server" queries, because the application had a very bad habit of constantly trying to reach the company's servers even when the application was idle. Normally by forcing this restart of applications, consumptions should be considerably less now.
Facebook has, however, some way to go on this issue, because this change is only returning to the "normality" of Facebook, which is still far from being frugal!
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