Study abroad: where do Moroccans go?
Study abroad: where do Moroccans go?

What are the favorite destinations of our young people, the sectors they choose the most? And for what types of institution do they opt?
Are there new countries emerging? All you need to know about departures abroad.
Today, more than 50,000 Moroccans study abroad, mainly on the European continent. France remains the first destination, with a contingent of 34,000 young people. Morocco is therefore the first foreign student community in France.
Spain, Germany and Italy come next as main destinations, but far behind France since these three countries together total about 15,000 students. Some new trends have emerged in recent years: Spain has seen a steady decline in the Moroccan student community over the past decade, due in part to budget cuts in the country.
On the other hand, it is worth noting the strong growth in recent years in the choice of Germany as a study destination. From 2675 in 2012, they are today more than 8000 young Moroccans to continue their curriculum in this country. They are particularly attracted by a teaching system offering advanced training and specializations adapted to the needs of international companies. The first non-European country to welcome our fellow citizens is Canada with about 2000 students. It should be noted that admission and registration procedures are particularly selective in this country. It should also be noted that with the new south-south cooperation, the countries of the North of the hemisphere are no longer the only ones to attract our young people: new destinations are emerging and in recent years. Thus Moroccan students go to study in China or Turkey, and their number is constantly increasing ... In the case of Turkey, the number of Moroccan students is still relatively few, but their progress is impressive: a few dozen four years ago, there were more than 500 in 2015.
The Turkish state encourages this visit by granting dozens of scholarships each year to Moroccans wishing to pursue higher education in the Bosphorus. In the case of China, this country has developed in recent years a real policy of attractiveness towards international students, including an increasingly generous scholarship program. Result: Among the 179 nationalities present, every year dozens of Moroccans leave to continue their studies in one of the 2700 higher education institutions of the Middle Kingdom, mainly in Shanghai and Beijing. To date, there are some 100 Moroccans, but this number is growing year by year. It is therefore not a coincidence that a few years ago a Bachelor's degree in Chinese language at Mohammed V University of Rabat ...
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